By Kyle Peveto, Arts Editor Column Schmolumn Here's to the class of 2003. Thank you for all the good times. Remember when we stole the door off that guy's dorm room freshman year? That was funny. Remember when he didn't come back to school the next semester? What happened to that guy? We've had a lot of good times. No, great times. But now you ... [Read More…]
Five-star system gets two thumbs down
Weck's World Beginning next school year, the Office of Student Organizations under Amanda Spell will rate social clubs based on a "Five Star Rating System," one that will be published in the pledging handbooks for prospective pledges in the fall. Unfortunately, the effort to provide insight for these could-be pledges just comes as yet another ... [Read More…]
Letter from the Editor: Looters destroy heritage of Muslim world
By Paul A. Anthony, Editor in Chief The history of mankind was looted in the chaos that swept post-Saddam Iraq last week. Lost in the wreckage was something far more valuable than the cash and goods stolen elsewhere in the country. It was the heritage of the Muslim world, indeed the heritage of the world itself. Although interim authority figure ... [Read More…]
Column Like I See ‘Em: Churches cannot serve God and money
By Steve Holt, Opinion Editor Editor's note: The name of the church in the following column is made up. The pitch for the "hot-off-the-presses-red-white-and-blue" bumper stickers told the whole story. After the senior minister at the Coastline Christian Center prepared the primarily visiting Easter Eve congregation for the offering, the weekly ... [Read More…]
ACU blessings leave little room to gripe
By Kyle Peveto, Arts Editor Column Schmolumn When I get the opportunity to write columns like these, I usually flip through current events magazines like the Atlantic Monthly, Newsweek or Time to get ideas about what to write about. I have opinions about the war and what should happen after the coalition forces leave and a regime change takes ... [Read More…]
Beware of false teachers slandering grace
By Melanie J. Knox, Opinion Editor As I Wish "God wants me to let you know that doom is imminent ... God has told me to warn every American and all the godless, subversive people in the world, ... that He is going to destroy all of you soon for your hypocrisy." (p. 1) That's not from the mouth of God, as you should have recognized. Instead it ... [Read More…]
Column Like I See ‘Em: Take pride in what you are reading
By Steve Holt, Opinion Editor The college newspaper you're flipping through over lunch or in class is one of the very best in Texas. In addition to numerous individual honors at last weekend's annual Texas Intercollegiate Press Association and Society of Professional Journalists Region 8 conferences, the Optimist was honored by SPJ as the No. 3 ... [Read More…]
This, that and loads of sarcasm
Weck's World So what's happening on and around campus at this point in the semester? Well... If you've seen Kool lately, he's sporting a rather large bandage on his cheek. I asked him where it came from, and he told me, "Scooter accident, Kool." Personally, I think the guy was better off with his 10-speed as opposed to the blue motorized ... [Read More…]
Letter from the Editor: Anti-war protestors show uglier face
By Paul A. Anthony, Editor in Chief The war in Iraq has turned ugly, but the verbiage and actions coming from the anti-war camp have turned even uglier. Around the same time that American soldiers were dying in the streets of An Nassing, Michael Moore stood up at the Academy Awards and labeled George W. Bush a "fictitious president." Apparently ... [Read More…]
Column Like I See ‘Em: Iraq not looking to become 51st state
By Steve Holt, Opinion Editor Many of the anti-war protestors abroad are not outraged primarily by the United States' willingness to put its soldiers' and Iraqi lives on the line, but by alleged "American Imperialism." While the war debate in the states runs heavily along partisan lines, international protestors are calling the war in Iraq just ... [Read More…]
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