GSP will be reinstating its Club Stud position this semester to go along with its other current elected positions.
“Club Stud is probably the most prestigious thing you could achieve in a social club, definitely more prestigious than being a social club president,” said Blaine Smith, senior biology major from Keller and former GSP president.
“Club Stud is a member of GSP that is determined, by the club’s discretion, to be the studliest member of GSP,” said Curtis Christian, senior electronic media and secondary education major from McKinney and former GSP historian. “Essentially what they get is a title on the officer row of our composite. It’s not an officer position, just a recognized position.”
Christian said the last club member officially named Club Stud was Justin Gibson in 2010.
“He’s still around on campus, and he’s actually helping with bringing it back since it hasn’t been done in a couple of years, but that’s just because it’s usually headed up by the last Club Stud,” Christian said.
Like many things involved with clubs on campus, the Club Stud position is somewhat of a mystery to those who aren’t actually in GSP. While many of the details about what the Club Stud does, or who the next person appointed to the position will actually be are kept secret by the members of GSP, Smith was able to give a very short, and somewhat vague description of the Club Stud’s duties.
“They’re kind of like a figure head, like the queen in a constitutional monarchy. They’re there, there’s a lot of prestige, but they don’t actually do much. It’s more of a symbolic thing,” Smith said.