10/23/2024 1930 hrs. Burglary, Adjunct Area
ACUPD responded to a residence for a burglary report. The caller reported the door to her house was open when she returned home. She did not report anything taken. A report was taken.
10/22/2024 1400 hrs. Criminal Trespass, ACU Campus
ACUPD responded to a suspicious person at the Sherrod Storage area. The subject was issued a criminal trespass warning to not return to ACU campus. Approximately one hour later the suspect was found outside Dillard Hall and subsequently arrested for criminal trespass.
10/18/2024 0900 hrs. Theft, Nelson Hall Lot
An ACU student reported their bicycle was stolen from the bike racks at Nelson Hall.
10/18/2024 1200 hrs. Alcohol Incident, Bullock Hall
An ACU student was found to be in possession of alcohol inside Bullock Hall. A referral to the Dean of Students was completed.
October 11-24, 2024
Assist | 7 |
Alarm | 2 |
Alcohol Incident | 1 |
Barricades | 9 |
Burglary | 1 |
Cart | 1 |
CCTV Review | 1 |
Check Building | 238 |
Clery | 1 |
Community Police | 9 |
Criminal Trespass | 1 |
Directed Patrol | 7 |
Drug Offense | 1 |
Elevator Rescue | 1 |
Escort | 1 |
Event Support | 11 |
Foot Patrol | 15 |
Found Property | 6 |
Hit and Run | 1 |
Information | 3 |
Theft | 2 |
Leaving Animal in Parked Vehicle | 1 |
Lock/Unlock Door | 21 |
Medical Call | 5 |
Missing Child | 1 |
Monitor Lot/Facility | 18 |
Jumpstart | 10 |
Motorist Assist Other | 1 |
Inflate Tire | 3 |
Vehicle Unlock | 4 |
Noise Violation | 4 |
Parking Enforcement | 7 |
Parking Lot Check | 70 |
Parking Violation | 2 |
Possession of Marijuana | 1 |
Prowler | 1 |
Random Patrol | 25 |
Suspicious Activity | 8 |
Suspicious Person | 3 |
Suspicious Vehicle | 2 |
Traffic Accident | 1 |
Traffic Stop | 1 |
Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle | 1 |
Vehicle Maintenance | 15 |
Chief’s Tip of the Week: Please remember to lock your vehicles, take your valuables out, or hide them if they have to be left in your vehicle. This will help prevent thefts.