12/10/2024 2330 hrs. Theft, Adjunct Area
ACU students reported that property was stolen from their backyard. A report was taken, and the incident is under investigation.
12/7/2024 0410 hrs. Accident, Williams Performing Arts Center
A student lost control of their vehicle while traveling south on ACU Drive and struck the side of the Williams Performing Arts Center. An accident report was completed.
12/7/2024 0120 hrs. BMV, Adjunct Area
A subject reported that his vehicle was broken into while parked in the adjunct area of ACU. An online report was made to APD.
12/6/2024 1524 hrs. Alarm, Edwards Hall
ACUPD and AFD responded to an alarm call at Edwards Hall. A washing machine was smoking and triggered the alarm. No flames were present.
December 5-11, 2024
Assist | 5 |
Alarm | 2 |
Assault | 1 |
Attempt to Locate | 1 |
Barricades | 1 |
Burglary | 1 |
Burglary of Motor vehicle | 1 |
CCTV Review | 1 |
Check Building | 243 |
Direct Traffic | 1 |
Elevator Rescue | 2 |
Escort | 5 |
Event Support | 3 |
Foot Patrol | 14 |
Found Property | 4 |
Harassment | 1 |
Theft | 1 |
Unlock/Lock Door | 17 |
Medical Call | 1 |
Monitor Lot | 21 |
Jumpstart | 9 |
Motorist Assist | 5 |
Inflate Tire | 3 |
Vehicle Unlock | 3 |
Noise Violation | 1 |
Parking Lot Check | 88 |
Parking Violation | 3 |
Random Patrol | 23 |
Sexual Assault | 1 |
Standby | 1 |
Suspicious Person | 3 |
Traffic Accident | 1 |
Traffic Stop | 3 |
Transport | 1 |
Unlawful Disclosure of Intimate Visual Material | 1 |
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