Victor Hugo's novel "Les Miserables" tells the story of a group of students in 19th century Paris rising up against their government. The students fought in a violent rebellion, but the uprising was put out by the French government before a change could be made. Hugo's story doesn't ask whether or not the students should have rebelled, but instead ... [Read More…]
Dak or Romo?
After Sunday's win against the Packers, rookie quarterback Dak Prescott has the Cowboys at 5-1 and has launched NFL fans into a great debate over whether Tony Romo or Prescott should start once Romo is healthy. Not that my two cents matters or anything, but I know good football when I see it. News flash: Cowboys, you have to start ... [Read More…]
Honest thoughts from an undecided voter
This Presidential Election has been the rockiest and honestly most stomach-churning one I’ve ever seen. From Hillary Clinton’s emails to Donald Trump’s big “Build a Wall” idea, nothing has made choosing a candidate to vote for easy. Both are terrible choices to run our country, and quite honestly I question how Trump got so much support behind him ... [Read More…]
I can’t vote for Hamilton, so I’m voting…Trump
Let me start with my biases: I'm part-Hispanic, part-white, homeschooled, raised by two parents in a middle-class home. My dad is passionately pro-NRA; my mom is passionately pro-life. Although he didn't go to college, my dad works alongside people with Ph.D.s, so I subconsciously believe if you work hard enough and know the right people, you can ... [Read More…]
Hillary is the cool grandma I want to be president
From the beginning of this election cycle, I have known one thing: that I would not be voting for Donald Trump. Early on in the race, I did not think I would have to still be explaining this to anyone. But as Nov. 8 looms in the distance, I am left dealing with the characters in front of me to me. It’s my first time to vote, and yes, I am voting ... [Read More…]
Why I’m Not Voting For Hillary Clinton
I believe that Hillary Clinton's power is just as fraudulent as her husband's. While the U.S. had the lowest unemployment and inflation rates, low crime rates, and a budget surplus under his presidency, Bill was impeached and charged with lying under oath to a federal grand jury and obstructing justice. While Bill lied about Monica Lewinsky, the ... [Read More…]
Latinos for Hillary Clinton: Don’t send my parents away
I am the first in my family to vote, and during this election, I am not voting on my behalf but on my family’s behalf. As a first generation American student, I have a great decision resting on my shoulders during this presidential election. For the first time in my life, I have to think about someone else’s future rather than my own. ... [Read More…]
I’m playing the race card and here’s why
I will be voting for Hillary Clinton on Nov. 8 because I feel that a vote for Donald Trump would be a vote for a less safe and tolerant America. For the entirety of his campaign, he’s attacked subgroup after subgroup of Americans. As an American of Mexican heritage, I have felt the sting of his remarks and fear his comments will harbor more ... [Read More…]
George Washington is probably rolling in his grave
I’m not going to pretend like I know everything about politics. I’m not going to pretend like I have all the answers. I’m not going to pretend like this election isn’t a messy one, because honestly, this is the messiest election this nation has ever seen. In full disclosure, I hate politics and the divisive nature of politics and would rather do ... [Read More…]
Will Trump actually make America great again?
I've never voted in an election. Until a few weeks ago, I wasn't sure I'd vote in this one. In fact, I received my voter's registration card only a few months ago, so you could say this political landscape is somewhat new for me. However, through research and civil discussion I have come to the decision to support presidential candidate Donald ... [Read More…]
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